The next morning was a little difficult. The bars here close at 4:30 and we got in around five not thinking about the plans we made with Terry to play ball at eight am. So when Ari knocks on my door at 7:30 I was feeling the effects of last night. I still decide to honor my word and go out in the 90 degree humid heat and play full court five on five basketball. That my have been the worst decision of my life because I couldn't feel my legs and I thought I was going to die. But the crazy part is we only had five guys to their five and two subs and three of our guys were still not awake and they were a fully organized high school team and I was the only one on our team that had played high school basketball AND we beat them twice in a row. I was pretty impressed by our feat. After the two games I took a very long nap.
When I woke up I was told that we were going to be taken out bowling with some of the Taiwanese students in our camp. This bowling ally was huge. It had over sixty lanes in it and about every lane was full. I had a great time even though I never broke 1
After bowling we went to a batting cage (baseball is Taiwan's national sport) and inside was also an arcade. We hung out there for a few hours and hit some baseballs, played some pool and also competed in a basketball shoot out. It was an amazing time and was another great example on how hospitable the people from Taiwan really
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